Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Okay, I was wrong . . .

I do not suddenly have enough energy to get everything done. Oh well, it was a nice thought.

Do you know how to cook a 40 lb turkey? Why would you? Neither did I until last week. I'll post pictures and the whole story in the next day or two. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Where have I been??

So, I haven't posted in quite a long time. I've been tired and lazy and . . . pregnant. Yup, pregnant. The good news, though is that the first trimester is almost over and I'm not sick all day anymore. That means that I will be posting here more often, adding new items to my etsy shop, perhaps getting the mountain of laundry in the laundry room under control . . . and a million other things that have been neglected recently.

This wonderful streak of productivity will inevitably come to an end in several months, when my feet are swollen, I'm peeing every five minutes and I can barely waddle around the house. I'll try to enjoy it while it lasts.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's almost September 13. You know what that means right? Sales! Search "etsyluckyday" on etsy to find lots of great sales on the 13th of every month. Check out a few of the items here http://luckythirteenclub.blogspot.com/

Friday, September 7, 2007

The miracle that is washing soda

So, before I started this homemade laundry detergent project, I had never heard of washing soda. Apprently, it will clean anything. Even, as it happens, silk screens. Yup, it cleans the screen filler right out of them. Who knew? I'll keep you posted when I find even more uses for it.

Monday, September 3, 2007


I've had some requests for black clogs, and I finally got some in last week. I had lots of orders for my flame shoes, glass artists seem to love them. I also got a really interesting custom order for these, with cow faces. It was quite a challenge to work with the holes in the shoes, but I think they came out well all things considered.

Don't you love a good mustache?

Do you have a great mustache story? Or a great mustache picture, worthy of the mustache hall of fame? Well, this guy wants to hear it!

I just sold him. I'll miss him. . . *sigh*

Friday, August 31, 2007

Laundry detergent update

So, I've been using the homemade laundry detergent for about a week now. My clothes are nice and clean, I'm pretty happy with it. The only issue is that it seems to re-solidify in the bottle. I have to shake it really hard before I try to pour it out, and then it sill comes out in big lumps. For the next batch, I think I'll try to get my hands on some fels naptha soap and make powdered detergent.

Monday, August 27, 2007

So much laundry . . .

I decided to try making my own laundry detergent after finding this article http://natural-products.suite101.com/article.cfm/washing_clothes_for_pennies . For less than $1, I made enough detergent to do over 100 loads of laundry. Woohoo! It was really easy to do, and seems to work pretty well. I added a little sweet orange essential oil, but there's really not much of a scent to it. The only drawback is that after the mixture cooled it resembled a thick layer of soap Jell-o, which then had to be mixed in with the water underneath it. Kind of like the texture of cold gravy. On the upside, I filled all the empty detergent bottles in my house with my homemade detergent and won't have to make more for 2 or 3 months.
I also made some homemade dish detergent (the kind for the dishwasher) which is just equal amounts of washing soda and borax.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I have been tagged by Renee of http://candysticklane.blogspot.com/ !

Here are the rules:
1. List seven random facts/habits about yourself
2. Choose another SEVEN bloggers to tag and list their names in your blog
3. Leave your seven tagged bloggers comments to notfiy them of their tagging and to direct them to your blog for tag instructions.

7 facts/habits about me... they sure are RANDOM!

1. I am terrified of myspace. Yup, it's true.

2. I love cheese, a lot.

3. I went to Bradford College, which closed down and left me stranded during my junior year. I say that I am an art school drop out, but really the school dropped out on me. It's okay, what was I going to do with an art degree anyway? Probably this.

4. I am totally incapable of romance. I understand and appreciate it, but in my real life it just doesn't work out.

5. I just celebrated my third wedding anniversary.

6. My theory of color coordinating is that if you put a whole lot of colors together, they will all match.

7. I almost always dress in blue. When I do wear another color, I unintentionally dress my daughter in the same color.

Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm married to a cowboy, great.

So, this is my husband. I'd call him my "DH", but honestly, look at him. Also, I find that a bit annoying, is it that much effort to type the entire word? It's only 7 letters! I was trying to upload a pic of this awesome mustache guy:


but I can't get it to work, so instead you get my husband. He will be so pleased that this is on my blog for anyone to see. Ha!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Holy crap!

So, I went up into my attic over the weekend because I thought that I had a few unfinished paintings up there. There were over 20! Holy crap. It's so bizarre to look at them now and not remember what I was thinking when I painted them. I'm more motivated to paint now than I have been in years. YAY! I took a few paintings to a little craft fair recently and got a pretty good response to them (although none sold). I haven't actually taken any in the past. It's a start, I guess. I'll post more as I work on them.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

crafting wasn't always so easy

Check out this old Workbasket magazine article, it's from 1969. Even funnier than the craft projects are the ads. Are we really lucky to have all the great craft stores we have now? People used to be so much more resourceful!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

blogging is wierd

So, I feel like I'm just talking to myself here, I'm obviously new to the whole blogging thing and I just feel like I am babbling on, no one is listening . . . oh wait, that's how I feel all the time anyway. So, my newest tee is so cute and not just because my super cute baby is wearing it. The poor kid has no idea what her shirt says! There's a skull and crossbones on the back. I really do rock. If you'd like your little one to tell the world how cool you are, you can have one too.


Monday, July 9, 2007

I have a whole new batch of tees. I'm getting better at the whole silkscreen thing, but I kind of like the rough around the edges look. I'd really like to make minivans the new cool car. Wouldn't that be great? I could just drive around in my KIA and be super cool . . . oh yeah baby, check me out in my minivan with sippy cups rolling around on the floor and goldfish crackers ground into the carpets. Oh yeah.

Monday, July 2, 2007

etsymoms rock!!

So, I was up half the night working on a batch of t-shirts, including one for myself that says "etsymoms rock" and I got up early this morning and checked my email (right after I got myself a big cup of coffee) and found this awesome ETSYMOMS ROCK treasury from allsweet! Check it out, there's some really awesome stuff.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

It's been a pretty busy weekend so far. Just watched the fireworks here in town, which was fun, but the biggest news of the day is that my daughter peed in the potty!! There was lots of clapping and celebrating. Clearly she is a genius, a gifted pee-er. Yay!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I just got a new banner for my shop, custom made for me by starletta. Check out her shop her prices are really affordable and she's super nice. I think the banner looks great. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5087568

These are my latest listing in my shop. They are sooo comfy and a little more feminine than the plain ones. I wear mine so often that my feet have polka dot tan lines. Sad but true.

as if I have time for this . . .

trying to figure this blog thing out. it may be hopeless.